


274 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 274
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

Meii Discord Bot

A powerful multipurpose, gif-emote, confession, and moderation bot.

## What is Meii?
Meii is a multipurpose Discord bot that offers a range of features including gif emotes, anonymous confession system with logging, moderation tools, fun activities, and more. It provides an in-depth and user-friendly experience without requiring payment or voting.

## How to use confessions?
In addition to offering a wide range of commands (which can be found further down the page), Meii boasts an exceptional feature that stands out among others: the ability to make confessions.

### Sending a confession
To submit a confession, message Meii with the word "confess" and follow the prompt and type the precise server name or unique ID (follow this tutorial for obtaining the ID). Pay attention to spelling, capitalization, fonts, and emojis when providing the server name.

### Setting a confession channel
To submit a confession, you must set a confession channel using the command /setconfesschannel [#channel]. Meii requires a designated place to send confessions and will refuse to send them otherwise. Ensure Meii has permission to send messages in the channel to post the confessions.

### Setting a confession logging channel
Meii is different from other confession bots because it doesn't require payment or voting to log confessions. Once a confession is sent, Meii will post a spoiled version of it in the specified logging channel. Set the confession logging channel with the command /setconfesslogs [#channel], ensuring that Meii has permission to send messages there.

## Commands
- /help: A full list of Meii's commands.
- /define: Gets the definition of a word.
- /binary: Encodes/Decodes binary text.
- /kiss: Sends a gif emote of you kissing the mentioned person.
- /hug: Sends a gif emote of you hugging the mentioned person.
- /cuddle: Sends a gif emote of you cuddling the mentioned person.
- /slap: Sends a gif emote of you slapping the mentioned person.
- /kill: Sends a gif emote of you killing the mentioned person.
- /yeet: Sends a gif emote of you yeeting the mentioned person.
- /bonk: Sends a gif emote of you bonking the mentioned person.
- /poke: Sends a gif emote of you poking the mentioned person.
- /handhold: Sends a gif emote of you holding hands with the mentioned person.
- /setconfesschannel: Sets the channel where confessions are sent.
- /setconfesslogs: Sets the channel where confession logs are sent.
- /ban: Bans mentioned person from the server.
- /kick: Kicks mentioned person from the server.
- /confessban: Bans mentioned person from confessions.
- /confessunban: Unbans mentioned person from confessions.
- /animal: Shows a random animal image.
- /joke: Sends a random corny joke.
- /dice: Rolls a 6 sided die.
- /coinflip: Flips a coin.
- /info: Shows info about a user or server.
- /ping: Shows Meii's ping.
- /uptime: Shows Meii's Uptime.
- /stats: Shows the stats of Meii.
- /support: Sends the invite for Meii's support Discord server.

For a full list, use the command /help.

If you see this- have a great day :3

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 year ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

Meii Discord bot is in 274 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add Meii on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Meii bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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