770 Servers 152 Votes
Bot will help you protect the server from malware or malicious links
Vladhog Security Bot is easy to use security bot that was made to help you protect your server from malicious links, files, QRCodes and bots that could make problems to your server. As main feature, we provide 5 main modules:
- Link Security Module -
This module checking every link that is being sent on your server to make sure that they are all safe.
Check processed in 4 steps, first we requests url, check it in database, then if its not found in database, process it with yara rules, and if nothing was found, check it with AI.
- File Security Module -
If someone send any file on your server, this module will check it with our database and over 60 antiviruses to make sure that it will not harm any server members
- QRCode Security Module -
Will check QRCodes on your server to protect members from discord account takeover by scanning suspicious QRCode
- Bot Security Module -
Protecting your server from known dangerous bots and control permissions to make sure that random bot will give someone administrator without letting you know
- NSFW Control Module (Anti NSFW) -
Will keep chat clean and protect your server from NSFW images and videos (up to 50mb)
But that's not all! We have some other helpful features, like
- Anti Doxing Module (Experimental)
- Block discord invites
- Anti spam
- logging check results and member reputation
More about features, guides and FAQ you can find at our documentation.
Lets make discord and internet safer together!
[email protected]
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Vladhog Security Bot Discord bot is in 770 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 9 months ago.
To add Vladhog Security Bot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Vladhog Security Bot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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