


528 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 528
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Gaming
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

Chlora Discord Bot

A bot with party games such as Spyfall, Scattergories, and Trivia. It also tells jokes and will be offended if you don't laugh at them!


#### A bot with party games such as Spyfall, Scattergories, and Trivia.

#### It also tells cheesy jokes and will be very offended if you don't laugh at them!

## Commands

### Game Commands

| Command | Description |
| scat | Play a game of Scattergories |
| scatcustom | Play a game of Scattergories with custom categories |
| songscat | Play a game where you need to put a song for each word from a list.|
| trivia | Play a trivia guessing game |
| spyfall | Play a game of Spyfall |
| lb | Shows the leaderboard for this server for Scattergories/Trivia|
| stats | Shows your statisitics for games + more info |

### Custom Names

| Command | Description |
| nicknames | Shows the custom nicknames that I will call you during games|
| addname | Add a custom nickname to use for you during games |
| removename | Remove one of your custom nicknames |

### Other Commands

| Command | Description |
| character | Generates a random character |
| cheesyjoke | Tells a cheesy joke... about CHEESE! |
| movie | Suggests a random movie |
| tv | Suggests a random TV show |
| anime | Suggests a random anime |
| game | Suggests a random game |
| food | Suggests a random food |
| 8ball | Answers a yes/no question |
| say | Repeats whatever you say |
| ping | See the current latency of my commands |
| help | Shows brief descriptions of all available commands |

### Images/GIFS

| Command | Description |
| dance | Sends a dance GIF |
| ham | Sends a ham GIF |
| niko | Sends a photo/GIF of Nikocado Avocado |
| jokebear | Sends a photo/GIF of Joke Bear |

### In-Game Commands

#### Commands for Multiple Games
| Command | Description |
| join | Join a game |
| Unjoin | Unjoin a game |
| Start | Start a game |
| Stop | Stop a game |

#### Scattergories Commands
| Command | Description |
| dispute | Pauses the game for a player to convince others to change their vote|
| next | Goes to the next category when voting |

#### Trivia Commands
| Command | Description |
| tstop | Stops the trivia game |
| tskip | Goes to the next trivia question |

#### Spyfall Commands
| Command | Description |
| comeout | Used when a spy wants to come out during a game |
| vote | Request to skip to the voting phase |
| unvote | Remove your request to vote if you have requested |

Type <command> for more info on a command.

#### Privacy Policy:
This bot reads user messages in Scattergories to be able to get your answers and relay it back to the server. Your message content's information is not stored anywhere externally and will be deleted right after the game completes.

#### More to Come:
Guess That Song Game, Flirt/Insult/Compliment Commands, The Voice Game

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 year ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

Chlora Discord bot is in 528 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add Chlora on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Chlora bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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