

35 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 35
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 1 year ago

ScamBuster Discord Bot

# ScamBusters Discord Bot Fighting Nitro, Steam & other Scammers! --- Using a list of over 10.000 Blacklisted URL's this Bot scanns all messages send for any of the recognized known Scammer urls. Anything from “Free nitro&rdqu

# ScamBusters
Discord Bot Fighting Nitro, Steam & other Scammers!


Using a list of over 10.000 Blacklisted URL's this Bot scanns all messages send for any of the recognized known Scammer urls.

Anything from “Free nitro” to “steam acoount” Scams are covered and many more!

Global-Bans across all Servers where the Bot is used make it possible to fight Scammers across Discord and help everyone Stay safe!

## How does this work:
Upon detecting a blocked url, this bot Bans the member, deleted the last message & adds them into a “bad-user” list. If the User is on another Server using the Bot and they have it enabled, the bot will auto-ban this scamming / compromised user in the other server too, to prevent any more damage.

## How to invite the bot?
Please make sure to set up a logging channel after inviting the bot using s$setlogchannel <br>
You can Invite this Bot via one of its public Listings or using the Direct url.

#### Listings:

#### Direct Link:

## Support
If you want to Report Scamming Users, Report new Scam URL's, Have any Question about the bot or anything else, feel free to open an Issue.

## Commands:
### Commands for Server Admins

s$settings - Shows your current Bot Settings

s$reportscam - Reports the message, you replied to using this command as a scam!

s$scanusers (WIP) - Scans this Server for known bad users

s$setlogchannel - Sets the Bots logging channel

s$setglobalbans (true/false) - Actives / Deactivates banning bad people on join / when they get detected on other servers (Default: yes)

s$setglobalbanthres (number) - Sets the number of times a User has to be caught to be banned on Global-Ban events (Default: 1)

### Commands for Everyone

s$status - Shows the Bot Status

s$invite - Shows how to invite this Bot

s$support - Shows how to get Support for this Bot

s$donate - Shows Info on how to Support the Bot creators

s$appeal - Shows to to appeal an unban

s$checkuser - Checks if a specified user is Bad

## Changelog


- Added - s$support , s$donate , s$settings - Commands - Fixxed a bug where missing Permission caused the Bot to Crash - s$status now shows the amount of blocked URLs - Changed some Command designs - Added a Logging check to remind you of setting it up properly


- Fixxed Permission Detection & Added Bot-Admin Role - Fixxed Message Deetection


- Added message informing if no Log channel has been set! - Reached 75k Members on 11 Servers. Thank You <3 - Added a Scam Report Function - Changed Design of Important/Public messages like the Ban, Status & Help Message
- Bot went public

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
1 year ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

ScamBuster Discord bot is in 35 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 1 year ago.

To add ScamBuster on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the ScamBuster bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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