160 Servers 1 Votes
Requirement Giveaways? Application System? Invite Manager + Logs? Levels with Role Reward? Tickets? Antispam? Lets Make Discord Great AGAIN! **Discortics™** is an all-in-one powerful Discord bot. ```fix â—‰ Completely Free! â—‰ 24/7 Onlin
Requirement Giveaways? Application System? Invite Manager + Logs? Levels with Role Reward? Tickets? Antispam? Lets Make Discord Great AGAIN!
Discortics™ is an all-in-one powerful Discord bot.
fix â—‰ Completely Free! â—‰ 24/7 Online & The Lowest Ping! â—‰ Premium Features â—‰ Latest UI Trend â—‰ Easy To Use
💡 Features 💡
yaml ðŸŽ–ï¸ | LEVEL/ INVITE/ MESSAGE - TRACKER/ ROLE REWARD/ MANAGER & INVITE LOGGING 🎉 | Requirement Giveaway System [Invite/Level/Role/Server/Multiplier] 😶 | Anti Spam & Raid Feature (Extremely Powerful and customizable) 🎫 | Reaction Ticket System [Exapnding Feature] 📠| Application System [Highly Stable & Advanced] â—‰ | TRANSLATOR 🆠| Leveling System [Expanding Feature] 💤 | Global AFK System 💰 | Economy System [ Expanding Feature] 💠| Marriage System [Expanding Feature] 💡 | Suggestion Channel Setup 😇 | Confession Channel Setup 🤬 | Profanity Filter & Urban Dictionary with CENSOR 👮 | Powerful Moderation System [Expanding Feature] 📈 | Advanced Statistics Graphs & More
What are you waiting for?
Website & Dashboard: https://discortics.ga/
Docs: https://docs.discortics.ga/
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Discorticsâ„¢ Discord bot is in 160 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add Discorticsâ„¢ on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
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