60 Servers 0 Votes
**Biotron** Biotron is a multipurpose bot that comes with moderation commands, fun commands, utility commands, and economy commands. We also take suggestions for the bot in our server, so if there's something else that you're looking for that Biotro
Biotron is a multipurpose bot that comes with moderation commands, fun commands, utility commands, and economy commands. We also take suggestions for the bot in our server, so if there's something else that you're looking for that Biotron doesn't already have, suggest it.
What type of commands does Biotron have?
-Moderation Commands
-Utility Commands
-Fun Commands
-Economy Commands
Customizable Prefix
Frequent Updates
Support Server
Vote Rewards
is the default help command.
Invite Link
Support Server
This can be found if needed using -support
First of all, there is the help command; at default, it will be set to '-' unless changed.
Here's a list of the rest of the commands.
Moderation Commands
-ban @user (reason)
Bans the user from the server.
-idban (USERID) (reason)
Uses Id to ban the user from the server. They do not have to be on the server to be banned.
-kick @user (reason)
Kicks user from the server.
-warn @user (reason)
Warns the mentioned user for the given reason.
-checkwarns @user
Checks how many warnings the user has.
-clearwarns @user
Clears all of the warns from the user.
-purge (number of messages) (user)
Clears the given amount of messages from a given user. User is not required
-prefix <anyPrefix>
This sets the server prefix.
Fun Commands
-8ball (question) Simple 8ball command.
Ex: -8ball Will my dad ever come back from getting the milk?
-howfurry @mentionedUser This command gives a rating from 1-100 on how much of a furry the mentioned user is.
Ex: -howfurry @Finny
-howgay @mentionedUser This command gives a rating from 1-100 on how gay the mentioned user is.
Ex: -howgay @Forky
-magik @mentionedUser This command edits the user-mentioned profile pictures to make them look funny.
Ex: -magik @Finny
-wasted @mentionedUser This command edits the user mentioned profile picture and adds wasted onto the image.
Ex: -wasted @Forky
Server Commands__
-setjoinchannel <mentionedChannel>
Ex: -setbanlogchannel #welcome
-setjoinmessage <message>
Ex: -setjoinmessage Welcome to the server!
-messages @mentionedUser This command shows the number of messages that have been sent to this server by the person who was mentioned.
Ex: -messages @Forky
-roleinfo (role) This shows most of the information about the role.
Ex: -roleinfo staff
-whois @user This shows the fun stuff the user mentioned.
Ex: -whois @Finny
-enable-banlogs This enables the ban logs
Ex: -enable-banlogs
-setbanlogchannel <MentionedChannel> Sets the ban log channel.
Ex: -setbanlogchannel #ban-logs
And way more. check out the rest for yourself.
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
Biotron Discord bot is in 60 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.
To add Biotron on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Biotron bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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