

49 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 49
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Gaming
  • Bumped: 3 years ago

ClashStats Discord Bot

This bot is used to fetch in-game player data by using the official Clash of Clans API ( ClashStats is still under testing and some features have yet to be implemented. Suggestions are encouraged! V

This bot is used to fetch in-game player data by using the official Clash of Clans API ( ClashStats is still under testing and some features have yet to be implemented. Suggestions are encouraged! Verified by both &, two top Discord bot marketplaces.

Currently, eight commands are able to be used.

coc verify
When ran, the bot will DM the user and prompt their in-game player tag and API token (also found in-game). This command allows the user's data to be saved to the database, and therefore, the user will be able to run other commands. The experience with this bot is much better when the user has verified.

coc stats
When ran without verification, the bot requires a player tag argument to be entered after the command.
Ex: coc stats #GY2GJLCP
When ran, and the user has already been verified, no additional arguments are required.

coc clan
This command requires user verification before use. If the user does not have a default clan saved, the user will need to input a clan tag:
Ex: coc clan #2PGJUGPR
At this point, the bot will prompt if the user would like to save the inputted clan tag as their default clan. If so, the next instance of coc clan will not need a clan tag; instead, it will fetch the clan data from the saved clan tag.
Ex: coc clan

coc graph
This command requires user verification before use. The user's saved trophy data will be plotted (via matplotlib) on a line graph. New data can only be saved once daily, but the graph can be seen as many times as prompted.

coc hero
This command fetches the hero levels of each hero the player has. In the future, this should include how far the player is from maxing out their heroes for their Town Hall level. Requires verification.

coc zap
Tells the player how many lightning spells are required to destroy an air defense.
This command requires two parameters: the air defense level and your lightning spell level.
Ex: coc zap [air defense level] [lightning spell level]

coc zapquake
Tells the player how many lightning spells and earthquake spells are required to destroy an air defense.
This command requires three parameters: the air defense level and a lightning spell level, and an earthquake spell level.
Ex: coc zapquake [air defense level] [lightning spell level] [earthquake spell level]

coc help
Sends the command list!

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Last Bumped
3 years ago
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Frequently asked questions

ClashStats Discord bot is in 49 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.

To add ClashStats on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the ClashStats bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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