91 Servers 0 Votes
🎄 **Horizongame** is a simple yet powerful bot that aims to give Discord users an enhanced "Discord experience". __**Why sould**__ __**you invite**__ __**HorizonGame**__ **:** > `🛠ï¸`・Horizongame is a simple
🎄 Horizongame is a simple yet powerful bot that aims to give Discord users an enhanced "Discord experience".
Why sould you invite HorizonGame :
> 🛠ï¸
・Horizongame is a simple yet powerful bot that aims to give Discord users an enhanced "Discord experience".
> âš™ï¸
・Horizon Game offers you a complete and effective protection system, protection logs are transformed into a webhook
> 💻
・Make the work of moderators easier by managing the server through various unique commands. Provide broadcast information automatically, implement use
> 🖇ï¸
・Horizon Game offers you a powerful invitation tracker
> 🎵
・Horizon Game offers you a bug-free and optimized music system
> 🎫
・Support If you have any questions regarding the bot and its usage, please join our support server.
Link of bot :
> 👨‍💻
・Web Site : https://horizongame.ml
> 🔩
・Support Server : https://discord.com/invite/X4RybEQVTS
> 📎
・Invite Link : https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=884131896919994458&scope=bot&permissions=8589934591
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grow and gain rewards!
HorizonGame Discord bot is in 91 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.
To add HorizonGame on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the HorizonGame bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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