10 Servers 0 Votes
The perfect discord music bot with an extensive dashboard! Feature rich with high quality music from Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud etc.! (Coming soon) Myopia • MusicBOT commands: .about - shows info about the bot .ping - checks the bot'
The perfect discord music bot with an extensive dashboard! Feature rich with high quality music from Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud etc.! (Coming soon)
Myopia • MusicBOT commands:
.about - shows info about the bot
.ping - checks the bot's latency
.settings - shows the bots settings
.lyrics [song name] - shows the lyrics of a song
.nowplaying - shows the song that is currently playing
.play <title|URL|subcommand> - plays the provided song
.playlists - shows the available playlists
.queue [pagenum] - shows the current queue
.remove <position|ALL> - removes a song from the queue
.search <query> - searches Youtube for a provided query
.scsearch <query> - searches Soundcloud for a provided query
.shuffle - shuffles songs you have added
.skip - votes to skip the current song
.forceremove <user> - removes all entries by a user from the queue
.forceskip - skips the current song
.movetrack <from> <to> - move a track in the current queue to a different position
.pause - pauses the current song
.playnext <title|URL> - plays a single song next
.repeat [off|all|single] - re-adds music to the queue when finished
.skipto <position> - skips to the specified song
.stop - stops the current song and clears the queue
.volume [0-150] - sets or shows volume
.prefix <prefix|NONE> - sets a server-specific prefix
.setdj <rolename|NONE> - sets the DJ role for certain music commands
.settc <channel|NONE> - sets the text channel for music commands
.setvc <channel|NONE> - sets the voice channel for playing music
.autoplaylist <name|NONE> - sets the default playlist for the server
.debug - shows debug info
.playlist <append|delete|make|setdefault> - playlist management
.setavatar <url> - sets the avatar of the bot
.setgame [action] [game] - sets the game the bot is playing
.setname <name> - sets the name of the bot
.setstatus <status> - sets the status the bot displays
.shutdown - safely shuts down
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Myopia • MusicBOT Discord bot is in 10 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.
To add Myopia • MusicBOT on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Myopia • MusicBOT bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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