


210 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 210
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

Hytherium Discord Bot

# Hytherium || Commands *** ##### ❯❯❯ **GENERAL** ❮❮❮ ❯ help: Displays this list of Commands. ##### ❯❯❯ **HYPIXEL NETWORK** ❮❮❮ ❯ profile // p: Displays the Hypixel Network profile of a specific player. ❯ guild

# Hytherium || Commands
##### ❯❯❯
❯ help: Displays this list of Commands.

##### ❯❯❯
❯ profile // p: Displays the Hypixel Network profile of a specific player.

❯ guild // g: Displays the Statistics of a specific guild.

❯ gamecounts // gc: Displays how many players are in each lobby.

❯ whatchdog // wd: Displays the Network's Watchdog Statistics.

##### ❯❯❯
❯ skywars // sw: Displays the Skywars Menu list.

❯ bedwars // bw: Displays the Bedwars Menu list.

❯ murdermystery // mm: Displays the Murder Mystery Statistics of a specific player.

❯ megawalls // mw: Displays the Megawalls Statistics of a specific player.

❯ buildbattle // bb: Displays the Build Battle Statistics of a specific player.

❯ blitzsg // bsg: Displays the Blitz SG Statistics of a specific player.

❯ copsandcrips // cac: Displays the Cops & Crims Statistics of a specific player.

❯ smashheroes // sh: Displays the Smash Heroes Statistics of a specific player.

❯ tntgames // tnt: Displays the TNT Games Menu list.

❯ skyblock // sb: Displays the Skyblock Menu list.

❯ uhc: Displays the UHC Champions Menu list.

❯ duels // d: Displays the Duels Menu list.

❯ arcade // arc: Displays the Arcade Games Menu list.

❯ classicgames // cg: Displays the Classic Games Menu list.
##### ❯❯❯
❯ verify: Links your Minecraft Account in Hypixel Network to Discord.

❯ unverify: Unlinks your Minecraft Account in Hypixel Network from Discord.

❯ namehistory // nh: Gives you the minecraft name history of a specific player.

❯ skin: Gives you the minecraft skin of a specific player.
##### ❯❯❯
❯ patchnotes // pn: Displays Hytherium's latest updates.

❯ information // info: Displays Hytherium's information and performance.
##### ❯❯❯
❯ suggestion // suggest: This allows you to make a Suggestion for Hytherium and Hytherium will send your Suggestion in a secret channel in Hytherium's Support Server.

❯ bugreport // br: This allows you to make a Bug Report if something is not going right with Hytherium and Hytherium will send your Report in a secret channel in Hytherium's Support Server.

❯ invite: Hytherium will automatically give you a list of some links. To Invite him into your Discord server, to join Hytherium's Support Server & to Vote or Rate Hytherium in various Discord Bots Lists.

Advanced Bot Info

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Last Bumped
2 years ago
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Hytherium Discord bot is in 210 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add Hytherium on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Hytherium bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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