8 Servers 0 Votes
Prefix ! Shards 1 Server Count 3 24/7 Playback You're more of that radio kind of guy? [Lenox] Music will stream music 24/7 for you after you've enabled it via its related command! Make sure to allow [Lenox] Music to take a break as well though!
Prefix !
Shards 1
Server Count 3
24/7 Playback
You're more of that radio kind of guy? [Lenox] Music will stream music 24/7 for you after you've enabled it via its related command! Make sure to allow [Lenox] Music to take a break as well though!
Auto Play
Let [Lenox] Music decide what to play based off just a few songs you queued yourself! Lean back and enjoy the show without having to constantly add more songs to the queue!
Audio Effects
Need that little extra in your music? [Lenox] Music is able to boost the bass, activate nightcore or vaporwave and a lot more! The live audio will update in just a few seconds!
Unlimited Saved Playlists
Having playlists for every mood and situation is convenient, that's for sure! [Lenox] Music will remember every single playlist you save and every single song you add to a playlist forever so you can always access these if you need some music!
Unlimited Saved Playlists
Having playlists for every mood and situation is convenient, that's for sure! [Lenox] Music will remember every single playlist you save and every single song you add to a playlist forever so you can always access these if you need some music!
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[Lenox] Music Discord bot is in 8 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.
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