14 Servers 0 Votes
・BOT CODE INFO dependencies, modules, servers, stats, uptime ・GENERAL INFO djs, help, invite, links, ping, serverstats, vote, privacy ・OWNERS shell, control, eval, usage ・Guessing Games find-words, guess-number, lovecalc ・Bi
dependencies, modules, servers, stats, uptime
djs, help, invite, links, ping, serverstats, vote, privacy
shell, control, eval, usage
・Guessing Games
find-words, guess-number, lovecalc
・Birthday Commands
set-birthday, check-birthday
・Anti Bad Words
anti-alt, antilink, autonick, auto-official-role, auto-official-role-disable, autorole, role-all
afk, animesearch, ascii, baka, beep, dumb, calc, cattext, dice, eightball, flipcoin, fliptext, hack, iq, joke, kill, messages, poke, poll, ratewaifu, rps, sneeze, waifu, youtube, zalgo
・Information Of People
set-bio, bio-reset, check-bio
・Custom Commands
cc-create, cc-delete, cc-list
addmoney, balance, beg, bet, buy, daily, deposit, monthly, pay, profile, roulette, weekly, withdraw, work
logs-ticket, set-logs,remove-logs
edit, list, end, reroll, start,create, cancel
24/7, bassboost, dc, connect, lyrics, np, pause, play, queue, resume, shuffle, skip, stop, volume
suggest, bug-report
leave, set-welcome, set-leave, welcome
add, close, delete, new, open, remove, setup
reaction-role, reaction-role-remove
csgo, poke,slots,tictactoe
3000yr, approved, batslap, beautiful, brazzers, burn, cat, challenger, cuddle, dict, distort, dog, ddungeon, facechange, fire, flatearth, foxgirl, gay, hug, kiss, love, magik, meme, qrcode, randomav, rip, scary, slap, triggered, tickle, tweet, vs, wanted
announce, ban, color, hide, kick, lock, maintainence, nuke, prune, purge, say, sendembed, serverlock, serverunlock, set, slowmode, stealemoji, unban, unhide, unlock, vcid, voicedeafen, voicekick, voicemove, voicemute, voiceundeaf, voiceunmute, warn, warns
remove-channel, set-channel
avatar, covid, id, members, roleid, github, servericon, serverinfo, time, info, weather
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Raygon Discord bot is in 14 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.
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