

19 Servers 1 Votes

  • Servers: 19
  • Monthly Votes: 1
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

EveryUtil Discord Bot

EveryUtil Impressive Moderation When online, there is bound to be many bad people around trying to ruin your community and accounts by simply using chaos and destruction to do it. No need to worry though. EveryUtil is a powerful moderation bot wh


Impressive Moderation
When online, there is bound to be many bad people around trying to ruin your community and accounts by simply using chaos and destruction to do it. No need to worry though. EveryUtil is a powerful moderation bot which helps prevent these attacks and raiders from your server. EveryUtil allows you to take the appropriate actions against this to keep your community safe!

What options are there?
As standard with EveryUtil, you gain access to channel locking, permanently banning bad members from your community and supplying a reason for it, clearing channels against spam. Along side these, kicking members and slow mode are also given to you.

Is EveryUtil customisable?
We are working for EveryUtil to become a bot which can easily be accessed by everyone with features everyone can enjoy and use. A dashboard is currently in the works where you will be able to access custom commands, timers, auto moderation and more for free!

Anything extra?
Besides the features of the free version, there will be a EveryUtil Premium version available for $2.99 a month which will contain extra moderation and utility features for you to enjoy such as anti-nuke, social media notifications and verification for server members!

No need to stress LOL! We can help you! Just join the support and tell us the problem or question you are having. We will try our best to help you or if not, patch the bot to make the feature better!

Command list
e/kick @SkyChickenn - Kicks the member from the server. Reasons are optional.
e/ban @SkyChickenn - Bans the member from the server permanently. Reasons are optional.
e/lock- Locks the channel the command is used in. Reasons are not needed for this command.
e/unlock - Unlocks the channel the command is used in. Reasons are not needed for this command.
e/clear 5 - Clears messages depending on the number after the command. For example, 5 would clear 5 messages.
e/slowmode- Applies slow mode to the channel the command is used in. For example, 30 would apply a 30 second slowmode.

e/ctext memes - Creates a text channel with the name set as put after the command. For example, e/ctext memes would create a text channel called #memes
e/cvc memes - Creates a voice channel with the name set as put after the command. For example, e/cvc memes would create a voice channel called memes
e/crole memes - Creates a role with the name set as put after the command. For example, e/crole memes would create a role called #memes

e/help - Sends an embed with all information where you can find help and general information on the bot.
e/invite- Sends an invite link for the bot in the channnel the command is used in.
e/serverinfo - Shows information on the server the command is used in. It shows member count, server name, server id and the server owner
e/whois @SkyChickenn - Shows the user ID and name of a member along side their avatar.
e/botinfo - Shows info for the bot such as shard count, the creator, version and the language used to create the bot.

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Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
2 years ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

EveryUtil Discord bot is in 19 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add EveryUtil on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the EveryUtil bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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