6 Servers 0 Votes
Music Control V2 is a Discord Bot remake of the Music Control Bot. With better quality music and uninterupted streaming possible. Music Control V2 or MusicCtrl for short is a low latency bot with links to Youtube / Spotify and Soundcloud to allow Dis
Music Control V2 is a Discord Bot remake of the Music Control Bot. With better quality music and uninterupted streaming possible. Music Control V2 or MusicCtrl for short is a low latency bot with links to Youtube / Spotify and Soundcloud to allow Discord Users to choose songs from wherever.
At the end of Music Control, the token was lost so I had to make a new Bot with the same / better streaming service. Although it has not got the same servers or users as before, it's still got the same code to make listening a joy!
I hope you stick around the journey for some new and crazy features.
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Music Control Discord bot is in 6 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.
To add Music Control on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
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