

202 Servers 1 Votes

  • Servers: 202
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Music
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

Oi Discord Bot

Hello there! Oi is a Multipurpose Bot and Has 90+ Usable Command for Managing Server/Members/Emojis, Giveaway and also Music! Prefix of Oi is `oi `. Bot is not working, what to do? > solution: make sure the bot has EMBED_LINKS &a

Hello there!

Oi is a Multipurpose Bot and Has 90+ Usable Command for Managing Server/Members/Emojis, Giveaway and also Music!
Prefix of Oi is oi.

Bot is not working, what to do?
> solution: make sure the bot has EMBED_LINKS & SEND_MESSAGE permissions in the channel/server.

Some Important Commands of Bot! You Can use "oi help [command]" for more info!

> oi allcmd [Shows a Paginated Menu with all Bot Commands with their Description and Usage!

For managing Server! - ​oi help useful [Shows the all commands in useful module]

> oi memlist [Shows all Server Members List (it is paginated so it doesn't spam in the channel.)]
> oi allbots [Shows List of all bots in the server!]
> oi members [Shows Server Member Count]
> oi whois [Shows the Detailed Data of You or the Member Mentioned!]
> oi joinpos [Shows The Position when you/mentioned member joined in the Server]
> oi messages [Shows your activity in the channel in last 7 days (oi help messages)]

Helpful Emoji Commands!

> oi emojis [Shows all the Emojis of the Server]
> oi emoji {emoji name} [Searches for a random emoji of that name]
> oi emojisearch {emojiname} [Searches for 5 Random Emoji with that name.]
> oi emojilist {emojiname} [Shows the list of all Emojis with the Name.]
More Emoji Commands Coming Soon Join Support Server for Announcement.

Helpful Moderation Commands! - oi help moderation

> oi nick member {nick} [Changes the Nickname of a Member Mentioned.]
> oi ban member [bans a member]
> oi kick member [kicks a member]
> oi lock [locks the current channel]
> oi unlock [unlocks the current channel]
> oi unban [unbans a member]
> oi purge {amt} [purges the messages of channel]

Giveaway Commands - oi help giveaway

> oi gstart [starts a giveaway]
> oi reroll channel {giveaway message id} [reroll a giveaway]

Music Commands - oi help Music
> oi spotify [shows your/member mentioned spotify detailed activity]
> Only the DJ or someone that have (manage_messages) permission can control the player
> Buttons / Dropdowns

given below all cmds must be used with prefix "oi "

> oi play (Loads your input and adds it to the queue; If there is no playing track, then it will start playing)

> oi disconnect (Disconnects the bot from your voice channel and clears the queue)

> oi pause (Pauses playback)

> oi resume (Resumes playback)

> oi stop (Stops the currently playing track and removes all tracks from the queue)

> oi clear (Removes all tracks from the queue)

> oi skip (Skips to the next song)

> oi shuffle (Randomizes the current order of tracks in the queue)

> oi loop (Starts/Stops looping your currently playing track)

> oi queue (Displays the current song queue)

> oi current (Displays info about the current track in the queue)

> oi restart (Restarts the current track in the queue)

> oi seek (Skips to the specified timestamp in the currently playing track)

> oi volume [volume] (Sets the player's volume; If there is not input, it will return the current value)

> oi remove [end] (Removes all the tracks from the specified start through the specified end (if the end is not specified it will remove only one track))

> oi move (Moves the specified song to the specified position)

That's it :)

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Note: The Bot has More Cool Commands! You can access them all with "oi help" or "oi allcmd" or "oi commands" to get help on any category or command.

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
2 years ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

Oi Discord bot is in 202 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add Oi on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Oi bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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