106 Servers 0 Votes
$ is the bot prefix, do $help for help. There are 8 categories in the bot. first of all, the info category which shows informational commands such as serverinfo, whois etc. The second category is music for music usage, clear and simple commands. Thir
$ is the bot prefix, do $help for help. There are 8 categories in the bot. first of all, the info category which shows informational commands such as serverinfo, whois etc. The second category is music for music usage, clear and simple commands. Third category is fun category, used for fun to have a fun time in the server or hugging a loved person! 4th category is misc, which is commands such as afk, avatar etc. The 5th category is bot, shows information abt the bot such as the owner, invite and the bots verified sites. The 6th category is moderation, used for roling ppl, banning, kicking etc. The 7th is anti nuke, which prevents your server from getting destroyed. Requires the highest role as possible so it can track all the people, wont track people above the bots role. The anti nuke system automatically takes off the executors role when an antinuke action is detected. 8th category is economy, just to have fun.
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Dinero Discord bot is in 106 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
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