

19 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 19
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Utility
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

Sayla Discord Bot

Sayla is a multi-purpose Discord bot that has a lot of features and utilities for users to use. It can be used to enhance users experience. Sayla's commands are: COUNTING 1. s!counting-leaderboard - Sends an embed with the most user

Sayla is a multi-purpose Discord bot that has a lot of features and utilities for users to use. It can be used to enhance users experience.

Sayla's commands are:


1. s!counting-leaderboard - Sends an embed with the most users that have counted correctly.
3. s!set-counting - Sets up the counting channel.


1. s!balance - Shows your wallet balance and your bank balance.
2. s!beg - Begs for money.
3. s!daily - Gives you your daily money.
4. s!deposit - Deposits the money you specified in the bank.
5. s!gamble - Test your luck.s!rob - Robs a specified user.
6. s!weekly - Gives you your weekly money.
7. s!withdraw - Withdraws a specified amount of money from your bank.
8. s!work - Work as a random job and gives you a random amount of money.


1. s!8ball - Ask the magic 8 ball a question!
2. s!cat - Sends a random cat image and fact.
3. s!dice - Roll a number!
4. s!dog - Sends a random dog image and fact.


1. s!botinfo - Displays information about Sayla.
2. s!help - Shows the help page.
3. s!invites - Shows how many invites the user has and their invitation codes.
4. s!ping - Returns API and latency ping.
5. s!serverinfo - Displays information about the guild you're in.
6. s!userinfo - Shows information about a user that has been mentioned or about yourself if no user is mentioned.


1. s!bans - Shows the banned users in the guild.
2. s!ban - Bans the user from the guild.
3. s!kick - Kicks the user from the guild.
4. s!unban - Unbans the user from the guild using their user ID.


1. s!setsuggestions - Sets up the suggestion channel. In that channel people can leave suggestions by simply typing their suggestion in the channel.
4. s!suggestion - Responds to a specified suggestion. Administrators can use this command to accept, decline, or set a waiting status for a suggestion using the message ID, not the embed ID.


1. s!afk - Puts you in AFK mode.
2. s!avatar - Shows the avatar of the user. Can also be used using mentions or user IDs.
3. s!clear - Clears a specified amount of messages in the channel.
4. s!remind - Sets up a reminder.
5. s!say - Say something through the bot.


1. s!delwarning - Deletes a warning from a user.
2. s!warn - Warns a user in the guild.
3. s!warns - Lets you see the warnings of a user.


1. s!check-welcome-channel - Checks if there is a welcome channel set up.
2. s!set-welcome-channel - Sets up the welcme channel using image manipulation. It also has the goodbye event, so it sets up the same channel as a goodbye channel, using image manipulation when someone leaves.

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2 years ago
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Sayla Discord bot is in 19 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add Sayla on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Sayla bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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