95 Servers 0 Votes
CyberBot is an upcoming bot with Fun and Moderation commands! Use it for all your moderation needs like muting or banning people and maybe have a bit of fun using some fun commands like 8ball and ascii! Invite CyberBot to your server today! Comman
CyberBot is an upcoming bot with Fun and Moderation commands! Use it for all your moderation needs like muting or banning people and maybe have a bit of fun using some fun commands like 8ball and ascii! Invite CyberBot to your server today!
ban - kick - mute - unmute - tempmute - warn - warns - modname - defaultname - changename
botstats - clear - covid - help - ping - serverinfo - slowmode - timer - uptime - userinfo
Fun 8ball - anime - ascii - dmme - fly - giveaway - howgay - joke - meme - poll - say
Bot Related
credits - invite - privacy - site - supportserver
addmoney - removemoney - bal - work
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
CyberBot Discord bot is in 95 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
To add CyberBot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the CyberBot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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