


119 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 119
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

Boty Discord Bot

--Boty-- Amazing Tag system (tag create / tag info / tag delete / tag list), Reaction roles, warnings system and more in the new update see more information about the command when you type +(cmd) [Commands] - ban (bans a user from the server.

Amazing Tag system (tag create / tag info / tag delete / tag list), Reaction roles, warnings system and more in the new update

see more information about the command when you type +(cmd)

- ban (bans a user from the server. User get a DM why he got kicked)
- kick (kicks a user from the server. User gets a DM why he got kicked)
- warn (warn a user. User gets a DM why he got warned
- mute (mute a user for a certain time. Requires role "Muted". User gets a DM how long and why he gets muted)
- clear ( delete a certain number of messages in a channel. Note that the bot cant delete messages, which are older than 14 days)
- addrole ( add an exsisting role to the user)
- remove role ( remove an exsisting role from a user)
- setnickname ( change / set the nickname from a user)
- modlogs (see all actions on a user)
- warnings (see all warnings on a user)
. purge (delete messages from a single user)

[Fun / User Commands]
- kill ( a message that says "[User] has killed [User]". ONLY A FUN COMMAND.
- time ( shows the current CET time)
- ping ( get bot´s reaction time)
- createReactionRole (create a message, where you can react to, to get a role)
- meme (get a random meme)
- random (gives you a random number between 2 numbers)

- Whois (Information about a user)
- server (Information about the server)
- tag create / tag info / tag delete / tag list

[Extra features]
- welcome message ( when a user joins, the bot says hello to the user. This requires a "welcome" channel)
- verify system ( User can first see the channels, if you setted it right up, the channels when hes verified. User joins and hasnt any role. Now he has to go to the channel "verify" and type +verify. Then he gets the role "Member" and can see the whole server. The bots sends him a message "thank you for joining the...."
- log system ( if there exsist the channel "log" the bot will log all commands from mute / kick / ban / warn etc in #log. He also logs deleted messages and when a member is verified.
- voting / suggestions ( If these channels "voting" or "suggestions" exsists the bot will react with 👍 and 👎. So the Member can vote
- settings. Modify the bot for your server. You can change the prefix, the welcome message and a lot more

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
2 years ago
Bot ID
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Frequently asked questions

Boty Discord bot is in 119 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add Boty on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Boty bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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