invisible Bot

invisible Bot

85 Servers 0 Votes

  • Servers: 85
  • Monthly Votes: 0
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 2 years ago

invisible Bot Discord Bot

INVISIBLE BOT The bot's objection is, to protect every user's server that the bot is guarding! It has a lockdown command, and the bot is featured to protect and moderate server's. If you wanna join the Official invisible Bot Support server, just m


The bot's objection is, to protect every user's server that the bot is guarding! It has a lockdown command, and the bot is featured to protect and moderate server's. If you wanna join the Official invisible Bot Support server, just mention the bot! so you can see the bots latest updates!

invisible Bot is a multi purpose bot which is mainly used for moderation. Our devs priorities are to make the bot amazing for everyone.

How do I get all the features to work? -To get all the features to work, the bot must have administrator permissions in the server. The bot’s role must be the highest role in the server.

Why the bot’s role needs to be all the way up? -The bot’s role needs to be all the way up so people cant bypass the anti-nuke module. If the dangerous staff’s role is above invisible Bot role. invisible bot anti-nuke module wont work as intended.

Bot info:

Prefix: ss! laguage: English More then 70+ commands Bot online 24/7 Verified on more than 50+ servers!


✔ tons of moderation commands ✔ auto moderation, anti link and anti bad words ✔ fun commands ✔ leveling system ✔ economy commands ✔ Ticket system ✔ giveaway system And more coming soon...

invisible Bot is a multipurpose bot, has daily updates, has a support server, and it just hit 75 servers!! Please invite invisible bot to your server now!

invisible Bot commands:

info commands

ss!bot info ss!help

moderation commands

ss!ban ss!banID ss!kick ss!warn ss!checkwarns ss!clearwarns ss!mute ss!unmute ss!setmuterole ss!toggleautomod ss!unban ss!slowmode ss!lockdown ss!clear

fun commands

ss!8ball ss!rps ss!say ss!imagesay ss!embedsay ss!meme ss!robloxavatar ss!sus

(these are not all commands obviously)

The internet is full of bad people who want to ruin your community by causing chaos and destruction. But not to fear, invisible bot is here. Within seconds, you can lock your server to prevent raiders from spamming your chat and destroying your community, then take the appropriate actions against unwonted users with Server Security’s powerful moderation capabilities in seconds.

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
2 years ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
invisible Bot
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Frequently asked questions

invisible Bot Discord bot is in 85 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 2 years ago.

To add invisible Bot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the invisible Bot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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