


3,020 Servers 1 Votes

  • Servers: 3,020
  • Monthly Votes: 1
  • Category: Moderation
  • Bumped: 11 months ago

Ayako Discord Bot

Moderation Anti-Virus Anti-Spam Category-Roles Captcha-Verification Auto-Punish Leveling Nitro-Monitoring Strike-System and lots more!

# 🤖 Ayako: Your Server's Best Friend 🤖

Looking to make your server less boring, less manual, more unified, or add customization? Well... look no further! 🚀

## 🌟 Features

### 🛠️ Simple Moderation Commands

As every Moderation Bot should, Ayako features a wide variety of Basic Moderation Commands:

- 🚫 Ban, Soft-Ban, Temp-Ban, Temp-Mute, Channel-Ban, Temp-Channel-Ban, Kick, Warn, Soft-Warn
- ✅ Un-Ban, Un-Mute, Un-Channel-Ban, Pardon, Un-Afk

### 🎯 Advanced Moderation Commands

In addition to those above, Ayako can help you unify your Server-Moderation using a strike System. This System will pick the next Punishment depending on the Amount of Punishments the User already has. And it's all 100% customizable:

- ⚡ Strike (Punishments can also be set to expire)

### 🛡️ Auto-Moderation

- 🚷 Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus/Anti-Phishing, Newline-Limiter, Invite-Blocker

### 🤖 Automation

- 📂 Category-Roles, Auto-Roles
- 📝 Punishment Appeals with customizable Questions
- 📌 Sticky-Messages, Sticky-Roles, and Sticky-Permissions
- 📢 DISBOARD Bump-Reminders and Vote Reminders
- 🚫 Censoring, Captcha-Verification, Welcome-Messages, Voice-Hubs

### 🎨 Server Customization

- 💤 AFK, Suggestions, Role-Shop, Self-Roles, Reaction-Roles, Button-Roles, Levelling
- 🎁 Custom-Roles, Server Currency, XP and XP Multipliers also available as Role-Rewards
- 🎉 Giveaways, Auto-Payout System, and Auto-Reroll if unclaimed
- 🚀 Booster-Leaderboard and Reward-Roles
- 🗳️ Vote Rewards supporting a multitude of Vote-Websites
- 🎭 A MASSIVE Amount of Role-Play Commands (hug, cuddle etc.) with custom Cooldowns

### 📈 Levelling System

- 🎯 Less intrusive Level-Ups, XP Multiplier Channels, Conditional XP Multipliers, Level-Roles, XP Multiplier Roles

### 🔍 Extended Utility

Information even Discord doesn't show you

- 📄 About Roles, Stickers, Channels, Emojis, Users, Servers and Invites
- 📝 Embed-Builders and Embed-Editor
- 📚 Logs about everything... literally:
- Applications, Auto-Mod, Channels, Emojis, Servers, Scheduled-Events, Invites, Messages, Roles, Stages, Stickers, Typing, Voice States, Webhooks, Reactions, Members


Don't like Ayako's Branding? Just get your own one using /help basic 🎨

Advanced Bot Info

Server Count
Last Bumped
11 months ago
Bot ID
Votes all time
Votes this month
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Frequently asked questions

Ayako Discord bot is in 3,020 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 11 months ago.

To add Ayako on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.

Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the Ayako bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.

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