170 Servers 0 Votes
This is a random generator bot and an action command bot. It's commands are dmbhelp which displays the list of commands, dmbsay -- the bot says your message, dmbtwitch -- shows the streamer's profile, dmbyoutube -- shows a random video based on that
This is a random generator bot and an action command bot. It's commands are dmbhelp which displays the list of commands, dmbsay -- the bot says your message, dmbtwitch -- shows the streamer's profile, dmbyoutube -- shows a random video based on that search query, dmburban -- gives the urban dictionary definition for that word, dmbimgur -- shows a random imgur result based on that search query, dmbgiphy -- show a random giphy result based on that search query, dmbt -- generates a random Star Wars trivia question, dmbq -- generates a random Star Wars topic question, dmbn -- generates a random Star Wars news article, dmbqu -- generates a random Star Wars quote, dmbm -- generates a random Star Wars meme, dmbmm -- generates a random Marvel meme, dmbmp -- generates a random Marvel-Prequel crossover meme from r/MarvelPrequelMemes,
dmbar -- generates a random question from r/AskReddit, dmbto -- generates a random topic question from various Subreddits, dmbnm -- generates a random normie meme. The action commands are dmbkiss , dmbhug , dmbmarry , dmbkill , dmbwelcome , dmbhello, dmbgreet , dmbchoke , dmbcounter , dmbzap , dmbduel , dmblick . dmbcongrats , dmbwelcome2 , dmbga , dmbpants , dmbpat , dmbkick , dmbep , dmbca , dmbchallenge , dmbpunch , dmbslap , dmbjmt , dmbsimp, dmbsimp2 , dmbd
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Darth Maul Bot Discord bot is in 170 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 4 years ago.
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