16,919 Servers 0 Votes
~Asterie's Introduction~ @AsterieBot is a divination-focused bot, specialising in providing in-depth meanings and explanation behind the cards (tarot, oracle, and lenormand), runes, and other divinatory systems it's capable of. Asterie is the o
~Asterie's Introduction~
@AsterieBot is a divination-focused bot, specialising in providing in-depth meanings and explanation behind the cards (tarot, oracle, and lenormand), runes, and other divinatory systems it's capable of.
Asterie is the only Tarot bot on discord that allows you to choose between 1) long, detailed descriptions, 2) short, easier to read descriptions or, 3) keyword-only tarot pulls. The bot has a wide variety of decks and multiple rune sets, as well as an 8-Ball command, hieroglyphic divination, daily horoscopes (with multiple horoscope providers), astrology & tarot memes, & other misc commands.
I will always strive to add more decks (tarot, oracle, lenormand, etc), if possible more runic systems, and other divinatory systems (e.g hieroglyphic divination, ancient greek letter divination, i-ching, etc). This is a time consuming task but the bot is a long-term project that will be continually added to.
Click to join the support server: https://discord.gg/hq8VPdjFPb
1. Invite the bot with this link
2. By default, the bot supports both message and slash commands. Type @AsterieBot#7609 help to view the full command list, or simply type / to view the list of slash commands.
3. Decks can be banned from your server with @AsterieBot#7609 deckban or /tarot ban. Mods can also force tarot pulls to be simpler, keyword-only pulls or short description-only pulls (as opposed to length ones) in channels where overly detailed tarot pulls might be disruptive (see @AsterieBot#7609 tarot detailset or /tarot detail_setting). Works similarly with rune pulls.
In-depth Tarot, lenormand, and oracle card divination
Customisable tarot details - choose between long, short, or keyword-only tarot pulls.
In-depth runic divination, with multiple rune sets
A growing list of decks to choose from
Deck customizability: curate your own favourites list, ban decks from appearing (either for yourself or for your server)
Ability to search for individual cards along with their full detailed descriptions (useful for study groups, or if you need a reminder, or during specific-card discussions!)
Astrology & tarot memes
In-depth horoscope feature, with multiple horoscope providers.
Standard 8-ball & a more fun version
Unique divination systems (greek letter, hiroglyphic)
Misc fun commands such as random quotes, jokes, compliment other users, yes/no coinflips, a choose command, etc
Customizable bot prefix. Users can also customize the level of detail they receive on tarot/rune readings and horoscopes. Mods can also turn off the full-embed details completely in certain channels
Fully supported /slash commands
Vote for this bot every 12h to help them
grow and gain rewards!
AsterieBot Discord bot is in 16,919 Discord servers and was last bumped on our Discord server list 3 years ago.
To add AsterieBot on Discord, click the "add this bot" button on this page. You will then be redirected to add the bot to your Discord server.
Sometimes Discord bots go offline for various reasons, if the the AsterieBot bot is offline in your server you can try to join their support server.
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